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Tuesday, July 14 2020
What Time Is It?


Well, I almost gave in today...


It is MONDAY!!!  It is even Monday the 13th alas, I'm not Garfield so I continue to exhort, extoll and try to muster some inspiration to you to Endeavor to greatness today because it is never too late to decide to be great.


Remember your chips are on the table and you're in the game, be grateful for the seat and play to win!


What Time is It?


This afternoon I knocked off early to go to the pool with my family.  Definitely an abnormality for me these days.  It was nice to be there at 4pm on a Monday.  And surprisingly void of participants.  I did notice quite a few dads there with their families and that made me smile.  I was there because at 7am tomorrow morning 2 of my 3 favorite kids will be having tonsil surgery.  I'm not gonna lie, I'm super anxious about them being under anesthesia and getting cut on.  It's only a 20 min surgery.  The recoverys a bear at 2 weeks.  I figured a few extra hours of fun were in the works and it was so worth it.  The best part was I didn't even tell them why, I just did it and they just accepted it because they are kids and we love each other and like to hang out.  It was awesome!


Action item:  find something your family is doing that you don't always get to participate up unexpectedly and participate...they'll love it!


What Time is it?


Of course the answer to the question is GAME TIME!!!, followed by some guttural sounds and whooping.  When I played football in high school we used to use this phrase to get pumped up prior to the game.  Shoot we used this phrase more at our tailgates and flag football games in college than ever in the history of sports.  It even made its way to our text chains amongst our friends in anticipation of the next event...the game, the show, the culmination of all the hard work, a time to perform.


Action item:  it's time to perform, what are the top 3 things you do to get ready for your performances?  (yes, meetings at work where you present are really performances)


What Time is it?


As a man, God has uniquely built our minds and bodies to perform.  In fact we relish performing; at work, play, in the gym, bedroom, etc.  It's how we're wired to have a little bravado to go along with our skills and abilities.  In fact when you're living in your Unique-ability and you are really crushing it no one can stop you.  You know that feeling when things are clicking on all cylinders, it's like being on top of the mountain surveying the valley below, suns out, wind in the hair, leaves rustling, that's the deal, that's when life has a certain sweetness..  How often are you able to get there?  What are you doing to get there more often and stay there?  Who do you need to add/subtract from the team to make that happen?  What is the smallest thing you can do now to make that happen consistently?


Action item:  Visualize your best performance; the courtroom, the boardroom, golf course, gym, wherever it was.  What were the factors that made it the best?  Write them down...DO THEM AGAIN, EVERYDAY!  No excuses.  The results will enhance every aspect of your life, personal, spiritual, work, family, physical, all of it.  Do it now, write it down, post where you can see it everyday.


So Men, What Time is it?  Time to be who the Creator made you to be.  Time to be the man, husband, father, worker, boss, parishioner, friend, brother you were made to be. No more excuses, no more waiting around.  Do it.  You can, it's why you are here now.  It's why you weren't here a generation ago and why you won't be here next generation.  You got this, you are just the man created for this time, with the people you are with, for the things you are doing.  Don't stop.  And if you want to quit, call me (804)8749531and let's discuss.


Don't Fear That Day,


Jonathan Kennedy Jr

Monday, July 06 2020
Focus On What You Can Control
Happy Independence Day!!!!  By the looks of Instagram and LinkedIn it looked like you all did a great job of making the most of your Independence Day holiday and celebrated our great country that we are all so fortunate to live in.  
How grateful we should be to live in the really only free society left on this planet. Guys our problems are not as great as those in other nations, don't forget this.  We have technologies and resources that most countries only dream of; don't forget this; don't forsake this; don't abdicate the God-given authority you've been granted to be here and make a difference for your wife, kids, family and others.  Stay on task, take care of those in your sphere and keep chopping; Focus on what you can Control, not the things you cannot.
You can do it!!  I know you can, you were made for this place, this time, to be with the people you are with and to do the things you are doing.  Don't give up!
Focus on What You Can Control
This past Sunday while we sat in church all 3 kids between us and on the front row!  I noticed some serious activity and squirming off to my right.  It, of course was time for prayer and my youngest, God Bless her, was just wiggling like she'd eaten a box of donuts, which she had not.  My first instinct was to lash out and grab her and hold her tight and shush her.  But I am an adult, and I am in control of how I react and while my kids are my responsibility she is her own person and will act in ways I don't agree with, so this was not the time to 'catch' her.  Trust me the old me would've loved to have scolded her then and there, proven my worth as a man to the people around us and put her in her place.  But where would that have gotten us?  A belittled child, who loves to fight back, in church on the front row with no other choice but to take our situation up to the next level.  No thanks, I am in control of my emotions and responses, I am a man.  My role is to model proper behavior, then correct as appropriate and hold the standard.  
Focus on What You Can Control
That was not the only child who decided to be disruptive on Sunday.  So I asked myself, 'how can I address this in a way that allows them to own this and teach a lesson?'  
The answer:  A new Sunday tradition called one-on-one with dad!! - ACTION ITEM
This was an amazing time.  I sat down with my 6 year old, asked her about her week, her birthday on Thursday, her new toys and joys she had in life.  I asked about church and if she learned anything.  I asked her if she felt that it went well.  She said to me, 'Daddy, I was really tired in church and I squirmed and my sister was talking to me and she made me squirm more and that's why I was moving so much, because she made me.'  Now was the moment of TRUTH.  This was absolute objective Truth that she would not fess up to.  Of course I did not let her off the hook, we discussed that she and only she is responsible for her actions whether its a reaction or not, does not matter and that she needs to Focus on What She Can Control, herself, her words, her emotions, and her actions!
Wow!  That teaching moment made my week.  I am so grateful that I was in the front of the church without the ability to lash out and forced to exercise Control over What I can Control.  I grew 100% and even better I got to do the same with my kids.  Amazing!
Focus on What You Can Control
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."  Jeremiah 29:11

“Know What You Can Control and What You Can’t. Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principal: Some things are within our control, and some things are not.”

-  Epictetus’s The Art of Living


This principle is timeless and proven and just and pure.  It is something that our culture wants to ignore.  But my oh my how much more can you get done when you stop trying to save the world and just save yourself...and then your family...and then your co-workers...and your community/neighbors.


Focus on What You Can Control


As a young man I watched too much news and I would stay awake all hours trying to figure out the problems of the people warring with each other.  You see I was misguided in thinking I could solve them.  As a pre-teen and teen I would grind my teeth over these stresses that weren't mine.  I would spend so much time focused on that I didn't even make my bed, do my laundry, homework, etc.  I was completely preoccupied with others' problems and solving them.  


"And He said to them, "Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?" Then He rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was great calm." Matthew 8:26


What I needed was a reminder that I need to take care of what I can control now and when the time is right I'll be given the appropriate authority for responsibility for things that I can control.  It's like this in all areas of our lives.  Perhaps that's why I love solving problems for the families and businesses we work with each day here at Endeavor, where now I'm prepared and ready to address them, under control.


Focus on What You Can Control Actions of the week:


-  Create your One-on-One with Dad weekly, 30 mins a week to do all the things an Endeavoring Man can Control with his kid.

-  Control what you read, listen too and consume.

-  Control what you eat, drink or imbibe with.

-  Choose to be in Control at all times, regardless of what flares up inside you and what injustice has been done to you.

-  Choose to own your day from the moment you roll out of bed.

-  Create a list of all the things you can control and how doing so makes your key relationships better.


Building forward:


Attributes of an Endeavoring Man:

1.  Decide you are FOR something and not against it...I am FOR...this will set your sights on positive values and emotions.

2.  Make sure you have quiet time for you with God and to meditate, you need this for peace of mind.

3.  Pulse check with your family at least once a week.  You cannot lead your troops if you dont know where their hearts and minds are!

4.  The only disability is a POOR attitude!

5.  If you don't use it, you'll lose it!!...MOVE and pick up something HEAVY Daily!

6.  Play to your strengths, that's why God's given them to you!

7.  Go big, make a splash and create RIPPLES that survive more generations than your own.

8.  Run Your Race and only Your Race

9.  Daily Practice equals Preparedness

10. You are the hero of your story not anyone else

11.  Focus on what you can control and let the rest go



**Definition of Endeavor:  to strive, toil, work towards something; Endeavoring the Act of striving, toiling, working towards something of value to you and those you love; 


Endeavoring Men: are those that are striving and toiling to be the best they can be, to maximize opportunities, to grow in brotherhood with one another, to be held accountable to a higher standard of life, that leaves a legacy, first and foremost at home and then our community and understands this life is not about us...not about us…Glorifying the Creator.



Tuesday, June 30 2020
You Are The Hero

Man!  How are you?  What's new?  

What is your next move:  at work?  at home?  in life?  What goals are you working towards that are pushing you right now?  I'm interested to know and would love to be a sounding board for you as you undertake that.
It's easy to get lost in the sea of muck around us and forget our way.  It's easy to succumb to the pressures and pleasures of the world and forget who you are and your purpose.  I'm here to tell you don't do it!  Don't settle!!  Don't throw your hands up and be done with it, your wife, your kids, your work, your life...don't give up.  Keep moving forward even if it's one inch of an opportunity.  
Action item:  Delete Instagram from your phone.  I DID a few days ago...its AMAZING!
I started these Monday pieces as a way to get you motivated to take action and make positive changes in your life and the lives of those around you.  As I've continued on this journey it's come to my mind that if I only try to motivate you 99% of Mondays this email will fall on deaf ears.  Motivation only occurs when we are in the 'right' frame of mind.  And let's get real motivation is fleeting at best...the real magic is in the little actions you make that create a bigger impact in your life and those around you.  Adopting micro-actions or habits that spur you to the better things.  The word habits is over-used and over-played but actions, little don't think about them actions, can be a catalyst for positive interactions and fulfilling a purpose.  
Ideally if you could be a 1% better you each day, at the end of the year you'd be 365% better...not 100% but rather 365%...I don't know about you but that seems achievable and doable.  I am almost certain I can find something in my life to be 1% better at each day.  It starts with being the man God created me to be daily, loving my wife without condition, and then realizing my kids owe me nothing and that they are my responsibility until they are not and only we can educate and get them to that point, treating my employees will truth and kindness, and showing grace and mercy to all those I get to be in contact with.  Piece of cake thisi s why I am here!
So with that as our backdrop I ask you the following question, who's the hero of your story?  YOU of course.  Do you believe that?  Have you lived that way?  Think about all the wonderful movies and books about heros and their stories.  The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Rocky, Ricky Bobby, Superman, Batman, all Heros, all needed redemption all broken and rise up.
Have you thought about your story?  Have you considered what makes up who you are?  How you were parented, your siblings, your friends, the school you went to, where you placed your belief systems, or currently place them.  How did all this shape you?  How much of it is bogus and how much of it is really you?
Have you let things you had no control over shape you farther than they should?  
As men we typically do not want to take the time to understand our story, I certainly do not.  But as I age and tell more of the story and live more of the story I can debunk the stuff that shouldn't matter, I can embrace the stuff that should shape me and I can let go of the things out of my control.  Thus rightfully placing me in the spot of my story where I was intended, here and now, present.  You cannot be anyone else's hero but your own.  You should not strive to be anyone else's hero but your own.  Your kids will invariably look to you as such, don't let them, they will be looking to a broken man, who needs redemption and grace and one who is unworthy of being that for them.  Trust me, I want nothing more than to be the hero for my wife and little girls.  It's not my job.  My job is husband, dad, confidant, protector, provider, model of virtues and vision and fruits of the spirit but not hero.   
The minute someone else becomes our hero we've abdicated our God-given authortity of our story to someone else...Charles Barkley had it right.  He said I am not a role model.  What he really was saying is I am not your son's or daughter's hero.  That is their job and something they need to live into and be.  You get to equip your kid to be their own hero.  Ripples for days!!
This all leads to:  Mindset.  Mindset matters.  Mindset matters more than anything else.  Once you've chosen to have the proper mindset the rest will start to fall into place. 
The correct mindset is the one that aligns you to live into your God-given purpose in the here and now, with who you are with, utilizing your full abilities.  
For instance, my friend Matt is working harder than ever to fulfill his purpose and make it happen.  Grinding day after day to fulfill all his roles so that his Endeavor is fulfilled to the best of his ability.  The rewards he's received the last year know no bounds!
When things are too much of a struggle and you keep getting shot down and pushed aside, you need to pivot and align properly.  Take your quiet time and get some answers.  My friend jeff is dealing with that and he's pivoting, starting a new business, making new relationships and making it happen.  
Here are two men deciding to focus on their MINDSET, alter their course to ALIGN themselves with their abilities and talents and make it happen.
What are you allowing your mind to do other than fulfill being the hero of your story?  Are you allowing past failures to lead to future ones?  Are you not living into your purpose?
Want to take it to the next level?  How do you do that?
Here are this weeks Action Items:
-  Think about, Meditate, Ruminate on your story
-  Get a journal and begin writing down your story
-  Identify the themes, values, principles that make up your story
-  Choose which ones to continue
-  Choose which ones to leave behind
-  Choose which ones you want to add 
-  Decide how you want your Hero Story to End
-  Set priorities to get to your End Story
-  On a NoteCard write down 8 Lifetime Goals, keep it in your pocket or on your mirror...
-  Share all this with your wife, she’ll help you achieve these items
Keep on Endeavoring, Keep on Adventuring...
Don't Fear That Day!
Tuesday, June 23 2020
Your Most Impactful Life Role

MEN!  Good Monday to you.  I sincerely hope that you were able to find some time to enjoy your family this weekend.  Or better yet be humbled enough to accept their love and adoration for you.  NEVER underestimate the importance of your role in their lives!  

In fact, the most impactful thing a Man will do is marry and raise a family.  That bears repeating, the most impactful thing you will do on Earth is to marry and raise a family.  Hey, no pressure there right!  
Think about how much your wife and kids adore you and love you.  
Do you realize their day rises and sets upon you and how you treat them and love them (especially daughters)?  It's written on their hearts.  They can't help it, it's part of how they were created.
You want kids that know love and how to work within society?  You teach them, verbally and in actions.
You want them to know how marriage and relationships are supposed to be?  Love your wife with all your heart and soul as if you were loving yourself, now you'll see some magic happen.
Let me clear up part of this.  When I say LOVE, I'm not talking about ooey-gooey middle school love.  I"m talking about work your ass off, provide like no other, take a bullet for you, LOVE.  The only love a man understands for those in his care, the only love that comes with knowing that the impact and RIPPLES of the next generation can be greater than now.  
Do you want to change the world?  BE A DAD.  A dad that's present, loving, caring, strong, disciplined, encouraging, positive, willing to stand up for what's right and wrong in objective truth...the dad that says no because where your daughter's friends are going isn't the best place for her. The dad that teaches his boy that purity is for men as well as women.  That's a dad, that's a man.  That's what you do, that's who you want to be.
One of my favorite stories about my father in law is the night he tracked my wife down when she was in high school.  My wife, as wonderful as she is, was not always on the straight and narrow.  In fact, neither was I.  One night in high school she had told her parents she was doing a sleepover at one house when in reality she was at a party at another house.  Just because her track record was suspect her dad was a little leery.  Halfway through the night the phone rings and one of her friends asks to speak to her.  Her dad answers and says, I thought she was staying at your house tonight...BUSTED!  He quickly had the girl fess up and found out where the party was.  
In a flash, he was out the door to that party!  He banged on the door until it was opened grabbed his daughter and her friends, escorted them all home to safety, and let them go to bed.  The next day he had a talk with her...
Do you see what he taught her?  He taught her that she is worth fighting for!  He taught her that no matter how insignificant she thought her actions were he loved her more.  He stepped up and stepped out as a man and took care of his family.
Is there any doubt that he is absolutely 100% sold out for his family in love and with that comes stability that overcomes many things.
Would you have the courage to do this?
Do your wife and kids know their worth in your eyes?
Why haven't you stepped up for your family this way?  Its never too late to start.  Now would be the best time to do so.  
Action item:  Have a teenager or pre-teen? sit down with them and explain that you want to know them and you want them to know you.  Start sharing your hopes and dreams for them and the things you dreamed of for yourself at that age.  Trust me you'll have a great chat.
There are two things about this role of Dad and Man that are troublesome to me.  
First, it is way too short of a time.  I know, I know they are our kids forever but did you know that when your kid turns 18 you have spent 80% of the time with you will ever have during your lifetime with them.  Unless you helicopter them and make them dependent on you, which we dont want to do...Carpe Diem with those kids...and include your wife!
Action items:  Read to your kids at least one night a week (try for more), teach them a hobby or topic that interests you that you may have in common, take them on a 'date' or outing at least once a month, go for a walk with them after dinner (creating space creates time for conversation).
Secondly, it is highly troublesome how dads are portrayed in our society.  Its an absolute joke and travesty that dads are made to look like buffoons and near-do-wells in most of popular culture.  This started years and years ago, for my generation its Al Bundy, Homer Simpson and the like.  Only Bill Cosby had any sense about him but he was always 'getting in trouble' from Claire his wife.  Nowadays it's Blackish and Modern Family and on and on and on.  It's even in the Berenstein Bear books!!!  C'mon really!  
You are not a buffoon nor a near-do-well.  You are a hard-working, provider, who loves and cares for his wife and kids very deeply regardless of the situation.  You will do anything to make it happen for them.  DONT STOP!!  They may never tell you but you'll know, you'll know.
Men, my heart is filled with love and joy for you.  It's filled with gratitude for the intentional and deliberate relationships you are forging with your wives and children.  Its never too late to start, its never too late to create new habits, and its never too late to have traditions that are meaningful and impactful.
When you come home from work tomorrow, put down the phone, make eye contact with each family member, hug them, tell them you love them, ask them how you can serve them and revel in that moment.  
After all, as a man that's also what we want from our dads...we may not have gotten from our earthly fathers what we can do for our kids but we WILL get it from our Heavenly Father one day.  And wouldn't it be amazing to make any change to our generational shortcomings now so when our time comes we hear “Well done my Son!" that we all so desperately crave...
-  Tell your wife and kids they are good and they are loved and you are proud of who they are...
-  Monthly one-on-one activities with each of them
-  When they reach milestone birthdays have traditions that cement their growing place in life
-  age 10 weekend trip away with you within driving distance, have them plan the place and activities...
-  Rites of Passage that all family members want to participate in as they get to certain ages
-  Tell them you want to KNOW them and you want them to KNOW you
-  Create a journal of letters and affirmations for them to have when they go away to college, include stories of their childhood
-  ADVENTURE:  Show them some adventure annually, its your job to do so
I could go on and on and on.  
Man, be the Dad your kid needs and the husband your wife deserves!
Don't Fear that Day!
Monday, June 15 2020
Two is One, and One is None
WHOA!!!  This roller coaster of time would be the most fierce coaster ever in the history of theme parks, if the FDA, CDC, WHO and any other acronym you can name would ever approve of it.  
This life is not for the faint of heart!  But that's okay, you are NOT faint of heart!  You are a man, made for times just like this.  Made to rise to the occasion and conquer any obstacle in your way.  It may be slow going at first but you can do it, slow down, get your quiet time in, plan, prepare, practice and take bold unabashed action.
This time, this place, you were made for this!  You can do it, keep chopping, keep chipping away!  A little each day of the attributes below and you'll get your mind and heart aligned to conquer the task at hand. 
Two is One, and One is None
My brothers who have been in the service of our country will recognize this heading as one of preparedness and having proper planning.  It comes from the Navy Seals and quite simply means you better have backups and backups to backups because you don't know what will happen tomorrow BUT you can be prepared for changes if you slow down and look around and think and plan ahead.
After 20 years of planning, re-planning and planning some more with business owners and families, then executing financial and life plans for people of all ages this adage speaks truer now than ever before.  There's something about speaking with the widow, the retiree, the business owner who had to lay off employees to know that the best laid plans are just that.  We always need a backup.
What they do though is give us some framework to pivot and shift when it's time to do so.  
Two is One, and One is None
My oldest child has wanted to baby-sit other kids since she was 4 years old.  She wrote a business model for a 'mothers-helper' business 2 summers ago.  She has been planning for years to take this task on and be a success in it.  
Last week she got her chance!  Our neighbor who has 4 kids, 4 and under (I'm pretty sure it's crazier there then the covid/riot streets of downtown Richmond) had her over to be her 'mothers-helper' for the morning.  Needless to say she was over the moon.
But here's the kicker, she didn't just go over and help out.  
She created 5 activities to keep in her backpack to entertain the kids with.  And not only did she put those activities in her bag she PRACTICED making them before she went to verify they would work for the kids...she PRACTICED making the crafts prior to her visit to ensure their success.  
When's the last time you did something like that?  How many times do you practice prior to your meetings or events?  Time with your wife?  Activities that require skill, prior to doing them?
Two is One and One is None
Keep in mind here, I'm talking about practical, tactical planning.  The kind of planning that says hey I'm going camping so maybe I need a lighter and some matches and for good measure some fat wood and a fire log just in case.  
The good news is this is just the exact type of planning that God created men for, we love to be prepared for things.  Even when sometimes we don't know or think we need to be.  In fact each time we aren't prepared builds on itself for the next time and the next time.  Pretty soon we've packed as much as our wife for the next vacation all in the name of Two is One, and One is None...
Who carries a handkerchief?  A knife?  chapstick?  What's in your EDC?  
How many redundancies have you built into your life and business to make sure you run smoothly?  We have clouds and hard drives and flash drives and...
One of my favorite screwups was in my second year in business.  I was working with a CFO of a larger engineering firm on some executive level benefit packages.  Not only did we not click, he was an effusive planner and preparer.  At that time, I was not.  Needless to say while the job got done, I learned an important lesson.  He dropped a choice phrase on me I'll never forget: Poor Planning Produces Poor Results (with some other choice P-words in there).  My, what a great lesson and timing to learn it.  I'll tell you what I'll never forget and it's not only shaped my business but also my personal life.
Two is One, and One is None   
So in this day and age of uncertainty and turmoil (this is always the case without God around and we are left to our own devices) what are some actions you can take to be prepared?  What things have you been neglecting doing that needs to be done, today?  Tomorrow?
What is your backup plan in the event the following happens:
-  School does not start on time?
-  School is online only? Or cancelled?
-  Riots continue for months and months?
-  We have a pandemic?  Seriously you don't think there will be one of these every 5 or so years moving forward.
-  You get a new job opportunity?
-  You find out you're having another baby?
-  Your church won't start meeting again?
Men!  It is your job to be prepared.  It is your job to shepherd and steward your family, your resources, it is your job to provide Leadership For Your Journey.  If you need help get it.  If you need a band of brothers create one.  If you need a friend, get two.  Just make it happen.
Lets vow to be prepared and planned.  
Actions for this week:
-  Take your wife out to dinner and talk with your wife about the back up plan for your family (jobs/living/school/etc); she'll be thrilled she's not alone in thinking about these things.
-  Find the church that is meeting and go.
-  Plan your schedule out 2 to 3 weeks ahead of time.  Pivot as needed but know that you have some normalcy and don't have to be at the whim of everything that happens this minute.
-  Read the book or books you've been putting off because you're consumed with social media and the news.  Don't worry the crazy naked guy in CHAZ will still be there when you come back.
-  Participate in life-giving and life-affirming activities that build toward the changed future you desire.  Now that's planning!
Two is One, and One is None
Happy Monday to you and yours.  Stay safe out there.  If you need anything, I am serious, If you need anything call me.  If I can help I will, If not I can find someone to support you asap.  You are not alone, you are made for this, it will all work out for the best.  The battle is won!
Don't Fear That Day!
Jonathan Kennedy Jr.

Building forward:


Attributes of an Endeavoring Man:

1.  Decide you are FOR something and not against it...I am FOR...this will set your sights on positive values and emotions.

2.  Make sure you have quiet time for you with God or to meditate, you need this for peace of mind.

3.  Pulse check with your family at least once a week.  You cannot lead your troops if you dont know where their hearts and minds are!

4.  The only disability is a POOR attitude!

5.  If you dont use it, you'll lose it!!...MOVE and pick up something HEAVY Daily!

6.  Play to your strengths, thats why God's given them to you!

7.   Go big, make a splash and create RIPPLES that survive more generations than your own.

8.  Run Your Race and only Your Race

9.  Plan to be Prepared:  Two is One, and One is None


**Definition of Endeavor:  to strive, toil, work towards something; Endeavoring the Act of striving, toiling, working towards something of value to you and those you love; 


Endeavoring Men: are those that are striving and toiling to be the best they can be, to maximize opportunities, to grow in brotherhood with one another, to be held accountable to a higher standard of life, that leaves a legacy, first and foremost at home and then our community and understands this life is not about us...not about us…Glorifying the Creator.



Jonathan E. Kennedy Jr.
Endeavor Capital, LLC
Monday, June 08 2020
Whose Race Are You Running?
Fellow Brothers and Men!!
Greetings and Peace from the balmy city of Richmond, Va.  Not only is it literally hot it is literally hot in all areas of town.  It makes me wonder whose in charge and what they are doing, alas I shall not understand.  It is utterly incomprehensible how quickly we've allowed ourselves to be influenced by outside sources full of subjectiveness.
My favorite feedback so far on these Monday notes, "I'm not so sure about the intermixing of fonts and font sizes but other than that the consistency and message is great."  Yes William, I will do my best to keep consistent across the board.  You must remember in my head this is as if I was talking to you and we all know that I am not the most low-key of one-on-one discussers of passionate topics.  But I digress.
On to today's topic:  Whose Race Are You Running?
Whose Race are You Running?  Do you know?  How did you get to where you are?  Happenstance?  Deliberateness?  A series of serendipitous moments that aligned and placed you here.  Ones you chose?  One chosen for you?  Were you guilted into it?
DO NOT DOUBT FOR ONE MOMENT YOU ARE SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE.  You are a man.  You are a man made for such times as these.  You are a man made to shepherd your wife and kids for such times as these.  You are a man made to shepherd your business and employees for such times as these.  You are here now for a very distinct purpose; no apologies needed.  Do you know the race you are supposed to be running in these times?
Now I know most of you on this list and from my vantage point I could speak into you with opinions on that for you but it's not about what I think, or your dad thinks, or your mom or wife, or whomever else you want to please or be nice too.  We are not here to be nice to each other.  We really aren't here to be like.
So, Whose Race Are You Running?
We are all being pushed by outside forces to pick sides and draw straws to run towards a goal we may or may not understand.  Depending on our choice of occupation we are being told how we should dress, act, look, speak and do life a certain way.  Heck, in Richmond depending on where you live in town, what school your kids go to, you're supposed to be a certain kind of person.  What the hell does that mean?  People are people and men are supposed to be and act like men, you are wonderfully and fearfully made in the image of the Great Creator.  
So, Whose Race Are You Running?
For many many years I was running the race of what I thought I was supposed to do.  I craved being liked and praised.  Pushed and prodded by well-meaning family and mentors and spouse I fell into a life of false piety.  I considered the consequences of living outside the norm and it wasn't appealing.  I was miserable!!  Then one day I woke up and said to myself, who/what am I living for?  What am I here to accomplish?  And it dawned on me.  The only Race I can Run with any authority and authenticity is the one before me.  The one I've uniquely given and prepared for, the race of my life for those right in front of me.  Be with the people that God put in my life on purpose to Glorify Him and lift them up to do the same.  That's my race.  What's yours?
Have you stopped trying to be liked?  Have you decided yet that you and only you can do the things you were created to do?  Have you figured out your one most important thing (next week)?  Do you truly understand the responsibility of being a Man in today's culture? (that's a scary one).
WAKE UP!!  No one is waiting to coronate and ordain you great at anything.  No one cares about what you are doing and how you are doing other than those closest to you.  No one is putting you on a pedestal anytime soon (maybe your kids until they really learn what's deep down in your heart that you want no one else to know about).  So, are you ready to run your own race?  Are you ready to be you and only you today, tomorrow and forever?
Now's the time!  Look around literally have nothing to lose.  The world, our city, they are in turmoil, they need you focused on your race, your wife, kids, business, needs you focused on your race.  You need to focus on your race...not mine...not your neighbors...not the Jones' as nice as they are...your race!
How to Run Your Race:
-  Read below and adopt some guiding Attributes of an Endeavoring Man
-  Get involved with a band of brothers that can speak Truth into you (we have openings for groups starting next month)
-  Get with one of our coaching team to help you identify your purpose
-  Ask those closest to you the things you are uniquely qualified for, think about them and choose the one that suits you
-  Be present where you, who you're with, when you're there 
-  Don't stop chopping and chipping away at objective Truths
-  Start the thing you've always said you would and you haven't
-  Teach your family things that are important for them to know
-  Share stories that shaped you with your kids
-  Strive to be known by those you love and that love you
YOU!  MAN!  RUN YOUR RACE!  Not your brothers, neighbors or friends, yours.  When the race is over you'll be glad you did.
Happy Monday may you have an amazing week, month, quarter and year!
Don't Fear That Day,
Jonathan Kennedy

Building forward:


Attributes of an Endeavoring Man:

1.  Decide you are FOR something and not against it...I am FOR...this will set your sights on positive values and emotions.

2.  Make sure you have quiet time for you with God or to meditate, you need this for peace of mind.

3.  Pulse check with your family at least once a week.  You cannot lead your troops if you dont know where their hearts and minds are!

4.  The only disability is a POOR attitude!

5.  If you dont use it, you'll lose it!!...MOVE and pick up something HEAVY Daily!

6.  Play to your strengths, thats why God's given them to you!

7.   Go big, make a splash and create RIPPLES that survive more generations than your own.

8.   Lives a Life of Significance:  Generosity, Service, Relationships, Love.

9.  He Runs His Race, only His Race


**Definition of Endeavor:  to strive, toil, work towards something; Endeavoring the Act of striving, toiling, working towards something of value to you and those you love; 


Endeavoring Men: are those that are striving and toiling to be the best they can be, to maximize opportunities, to grow in brotherhood with one another, to be held accountable to a higher standard of life, that leaves a legacy, first and foremost at home and then our community and understands this life is not about us...not about us…but in Glorifying the Creator.




Tuesday, June 02 2020
As Yogi Berra Said

Happy Monday to you and yours.  I pray that you are safe and sound.  I pray that each of you is having constructive conversations with your wife, children and fellow brothers about the situation we are presently find ourselves.  


I knew at some point we would have riots in the streets, I thought it would be about a lack of food and medical care not murder and mayhem.  This result of a fallen world and battle for the hearts and minds of us and those that we care about is exhausting.  Slow down, man-up, decide what you're rooted in (hopefully The Word) take a deep breath and realize its already been decided and this is For our Good, I promise there will be Good from this.


Okay, MEN who haven't sent this to SPAM yet:  I AM FOR YOU!  GOD IS FOR YOU!  Your wife and kids are for you!!!  I'm serious dont forget these truths, they will help you in tumultuous times.  You are loved, cared for and this too shall pass.  If you need an ear, shoulder or voice let me know, if its not me I'll connect you to the correct man.  Draw on the strength of your band of brothers.


How are you living your life???  Wait What?!?  I'm trying to survive crisis after crisis you say.  Thats our present affliction but not our constant one.  


So, How are you living your life???


We can Endeavor to live to a life of Success or a Life of Significance.  


Life of Success means we strive for:  Wealth, Achievement, Status


Life of Significance means we strive for:  Generosity, Service, Relationships


I ask again, How are you Living your life?


You see the life of significance is the path less traveled but most richly blessed.  The life of significance ensures you solid standing and footing with those who matter most in your life (you may not see this currently).  The life of significance is one not about you but about the Ripples you can make with those you care about, the people in your home, your community, your church, your work, and eventually the world.  Change starts with you it takes the form of knowing what you live for:  Generosity, Service, Relationships.


There are 5 key areas to a Life of Significance:  Your Family Life, Your Physical Life, Your Spiritual Life, Your Work Life and Your Social Life


Think of each as a finger on your hand.  If one of these areas is lacking then the hand cannot function, you cannot function and your IMPACT and Attitude and everything you care about will suffer because of it. 


I know this I am living proof.  Seriously, at any given time I have a deficit in each of those areas and I have to catch myself and correct it. 


The world wants you focused on Success, the world wants you distracted from what matters most, the world wants you to watch it burn because it takes you from Generosity, Service, Relationships: Significance and turns you into the things that cause the problems, Wealth, Achievement, Status: Power...'success.' 


So I implore you to be a man, able to stem the tide, able to rise above and pursue your LIFE OF SIGNIFICANCE:  Generosity, Service, Relationships, Love.  Start at home, work, your community and show LOVE to others, smile at the checkout lady, wave to the cars passing by, invest in someone that you see daily but may not always register with, choose to be significant in the lives of the ones you are in contact with on a daily basis!


I dont know about you but it seems this is just the exact moment for us to do this.  What this world needs are MEN willing to choose significance over success.  To say yes to wife, kids, brothers, community, family and no to the outlandish pressures and needling of this broken world.  


Live your Life of Significance, with boldness, gusto, vim and vigor!  Make it happen be what those around you need today, YOU CAN DO IT I TRUST YOU TO DO IT!  You were made for this time, its not by accident.


Til next Monday!


Don't Fear the Day,


Jonathan Kennedy Jr


Building forward:


Attributes of an Endeavoring Man:

1.  Decide you are FOR something and not against it...I am FOR...this will set your sights on positive values and emotions.

2.  Make sure you have quiet time for you with God or to meditate, you need this for peace of mind.

3.  Pulse check with your family at least once a week.  You cannot lead your troops if you dont know where their hearts and minds are!

4.  The only disability is a POOR attitude!

5.  If you dont use it, you'll lose it!!...MOVE and pick up something HEAVY Daily!

6.  Play to your strengths, thats why God's given them to you!

7.  Go big, make a splash and create RIPPLES that survive more generations than your own.

8.  Lives a Life of Significance:  Generosity, Service, Relationships, Love.


**Definition of Endeavor:  to strive, toil, work towards something; Endeavoring the Act of striving, toiling, working towards something of value to you and those you love; 


Endeavoring Men: are those that are striving and toiling to be the best they can be, to maximize opportunities, to grow in brotherhood with one another, to be held accountable to a higher standard of life, that leaves a legacy, first and foremost at home and then our community and understands this life is not about us...not about us.

Monday, May 18 2020
Attributes of an Endeavoring Man
Men!!!  Good morning!
How are you??  Well, I hope.  
Its looking like there's somewhat of a reprise upcoming.  This is good, this is powerful.  Its almost summer time.  Are you ready?  Do you have what it takes to move forward?
The last 9 weeks have been GROUND HOGS DAY!!  I get it, the struggle is real, the loss of jobs, income, schooling, no gym, no corporate worship, lack of fellowship and longing to be with those you love and care for beyond your family and on and house has been a flurry of emotions ever shifting and changing; part of this is God blessed us with lots of estrogen, the other is this has been a severe turn to the expectations we had for life.  
Yet those emotions DO NOT get to dictate something so much more powerful...MY ATTITUDE!  Why is this?  Because emotions come and go but our ATTITUDE prevails and shapes and grows us.  Our ATTITUDE allows us to be the men our wives, kids, co-workers, friends need in times like this.  So how's your attitude?
The only disability is a POOR attitude!!  With the right attitude anything is possible regardless of situation.  This is true.  Its been so for me for many years.  
You, me, us, we have a choice each day we wake up...take on the day with woe is me OR take on the day with this is my day and I'm going to win!  This further boils over into each and every endeavor of our day.  
Think about it, the meeting you have on zoom with your co-worker or client you dread having, DECIDE it will be the best call of your day, and it will be better than expected.  DECIDE to finish work and leave it behind.  DECIDE to be present for your family.  DECIDE that you will not be living a life for others but for what God designed you to do.  DECIDE that your ATTITUDE will be the best in the room, at all times, regardless of those around you because by doing so you will lift those people with you.
Yep, thats the power of choosing the proper attitude.  And it can be yours for FREE, right now!  Take it, choose it, its yours.
There was a study done by Harvard in the mid-90's around the #1 determinant of success; it came back that 93% of success was predicated on a positive attitude.  Now I could argue how do we define success, etc etc (coming in a few weeks) but assuming success is gaining the outcomes of your deepest dreams and desires and that they are not to harm others; you cannot achieve them unless you've DECIDED that you will have the correct ATTITUDE.
I ask you again, how's your attitude?  Are you frustrated? cynical? disillusioned? content? positive? excited?
No matter where your ATTITUDE is remember you get to choose it.  Do not abdicate that authority to someone or something else.  Its part of being made in the image of the Creator, your choices are yours and yours alone; choose wisely and soundly and choose to make today your day each and every day!!
Have an amazing and blessed day!
Jonathan Kennedy
Attributes of an Endeavoring Man:
1.  Decide you are FOR something and not against it...I am FOR...this will set your sights on positive values and emotions.
2.  Make sure you have quiet time for you with God or to meditate, you need this for peace of mind.
3.  Pulse check with your family: at least once a week check in with your troops so you can lead them and meet them where their hearts and minds are!
4.  The only disability is a POOR attitude!
5.  If you dont use it, you'll lose it!!...MOVE and pick up something HEAVY Daily!
6.  Play to your strengths, thats why you have them!