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Tuesday, November 03 2020
The Magic You Are Looking For Is In the Work You Are Avoiding



Another Monday…praise be to Mondays.  How else would we start the week?  This week is even more special because we were given the gift of an hour.  Really it is like getting a tax refund.  You know it was taken and used from spring til now and since it's no longer needed we get it back.  But I want to know where my interest is?  Did it earn any more hours for me?  How about a whole week of extra hours, now we’re talking…I’ve already used my refunded hour and it was amazing.  Here’s to next year!!


Frogs Taste Great


The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding…


As men we know that its important for us to do and accomplish and grow and strive and be strong and protect and love.  We know we should be well read, and make the sales calls, and cherish our spouses and teach our kids.  We know that the leaves need to be blown, the yard needs cutting and that shingle that's dangling really should be yanked.  We know we should be fighting for the hearts and minds that we love most.  We know that we want to be excellent and do great things.  We know we want to pass on values and priorities and principles that will have an impact beyond our years…we know we were created by God to endeavor in excellence for His glory, yet we fall short.  


Why is that?


Frogs Taste Great


The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding…


Those things while important and worth striving for can seem unattainable .  They can seem to be hard or too hard to do.  We want to be comfortable and cushy and feel good.  We don't want to think, we want to watch sports, we don't want to feel we drink alcohol, we don't want to have real intimacy we want porn, we don't want to be fathers we’ve abdicated that, we don't want to be husbands that requires too much intimacy, we don't want to be men because we’ve never been taught and it's too late and it doesn’t matter and on and  on and on…


What's your excuse today?  What’s your easy way out?  We all have at least one…mostly likely multiple.


Frogs Taste Great


The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding…


Want to get to the place where you are accomplishing and growing?  Want to get to the place where you're excellent?  Want to get to the place where your wife loves you and kids adore you?  That other men say hey what's he doing differently?


Do the work you’ve been avoiding, that you’ve put off and are afraid to do.  Eat The Frog.


Lifes a mess?  Jesus offers salvation and rest from that.

Want a promotion?  Show up, and put out.

Better marriage?  Listen to your wife for 15 mins a day.

Kids that love you?  Spend time with them when your phone is not around.

Bank account that's full?  Stop wasting your resources on trinkets that fade.

A RICH life?  Love and love often and everyone.

Physically fit?  Get off the couch and move for 30 mins a day, eat less.


Be realistic not everyone will like you or want to be around you, trust me I know.  And you won't always get everything you want or desire.  But you can create a spark and jump start to get where you want to go.  Eat the Frog.  


Frogs Taste Great


The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding…


One of the best books ever written is about this.  Its called Eat that Frog, by Brian Tracy:  Action ITEM:  READ THIS BOOK.


Please use fully the talents, time, treasure and touch that God has given you in these short years you have.  


Go and do and Eat the Frog that needs to be eaten to create the magic.  It's time, it's now.  And it's amazing!


The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding…


Don't Fear That Day!!


Jonathan Kennedy