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Tuesday, August 04 2020
What's Important Now
Good Monday to you men!  It is my sincerest hope that each of you is doing well, that you are healthy and able to pursue happiness daily.  I pray that your summer has been fruitful, that you're able to multiply your efforts and that there is abundance for you and your family.  I implore you to stay strong, understand the stakes of the game, understand the role you've been created to play and execute to the best of your ability to make that happen.  
Remember this:  you are here for a reason.  You are here on purpose.  The people you are with are there for a distinct purpose.  Embrace and appreciate this.  Lean into it.  Be grateful for your station as God has created it for you.  Live into that station like no one else, like no one else.
What's Important Now
A few weeks ago I wrote about Game Time.  That when asked, 'what time is it?'  As men we should be ready to respond in kind, Game Time!  As in we are ALL IN and ready for action and fully tuned in to the life in front of us.  Realistically 80 years goes by in a blink.  Think about it.  In the history of man we are but a blip on the map.  BUT, oh how wonderful that blip could be and how impactful that blip could be, if you think of life as Game Time!

There are many things we put time limits on; we are masters of scheduling our time (choosing how to spend each hour of each day).  Shoot I'm almost fanatical about this.  Interruptions and sidetracks are none too pleasing.  I'm certain some of you have fallen victim to my sense of time or strictness of time.  I'm trying to get better, trying to understand an enhanced way to view time.
What's Important Now
When I grew up my dad put a huge emphasis on what he called 'QT' or Quality Time.  Man, if I had a nickel for every QT/Quality Time reference I heard.  I get what he wanted, I get all the pressure and striving for excellence in those times.  It spurred some amazing memories, lots of laughs and a bond everlasting.
This same mentality is shown in the National Lampoon movies featuring Clark Griswold, a dad, a man craving nothing but good old fashioned family time; working his tail off to construct, instruct and execute the 'perfect' time together as a family.  In Vegas Vacation he almost gave up...almost...but didn't.  Notice he still fights for and wins his family.  This is a must in how we are to shepherd our families.  We cannot back down and cannot give up the fight in how we work to shape their hearts and minds.
What's Important Now 

Our days are to be measured by the quality in our time rather than the forced notion of quality time.  - JK Jr.
The reality is that any and every time we are interacting with those we love and care for we have Quality Time.  The most mundane times are where the magic happens.  Running errands, grocery shopping, preparing dinner, books at bedtime, doing yard work together, and on and on.  These are quality times.  These are the moments that shape and mold our most treasured relationships.  
These are the times when there are teachable moments.  These are the times when little eyes see how to treat others.  These are the times to make a positive impact.  These simple moments are the building blocks for relationships far and wide.
There is never the perfect time to create the perfect moment to spend with the people you love the most.  It does not exist.  But you can adopt a mindset of gratitude and appreciation for the time you have with people and use that to their benefit.
What's Important Now
In my line of work there is a lot of time spent on relationships.  There's a lot of time spent on difficult conversations.  There's time in triumphs and tragedies.  A few weeks ago a friend and clients 15 yr old son died tragically.  It was sudden, it was unexpected, it was too soon.  This is the 5th man I've known to lose a teenage son.  All too sudden, all unexpected and all too soon.
The memories they share the most are the ones that are the most basic.  The ones that were organic and happened during the time they spent together.  They remember the quality in the time they had together.
Your task this week is singular:
Be grateful, present and appreciative of the quality in the time you have around the ones you love the most.d
Put the phone down, ignore the news, turn off the social media...sit and listen, take them with you on errands, ask them (including your better half) what they hope and dream about...appreciate time.
And in the end it's not the years in your life that count; it's the life in your years. ” —Abraham Lincoln
Don't Fear That Day!
Jonathan Kennedy, Jr.